Listen, I know you’re a smart person. I know this because I’ve known you for a long time. Long before the divisive red vs blue bullshit. You were, and still are my friend. But let’s have a little conversation.
I know you don’t agree with staying at home. Maybe you think the coronavirus is not really that deadly. It’s possible that you’re right. You might have heard something that makes a lot of sense to you. Maybe their right. And yeah… you need a haircut, it would be lying if I said it looks good. But, what would it take for you to simply stay at home.
Your parents and grand-parents made a lot of sacrifices for you to be here today. They worked hard hours long before civil rights and fair wages were a thing. They fought wars, collapsing economies, pandemics, discrimination, unfair terminations and worked overtime for nickels. If I said staying at home, is a small sacrifice compared to what they did for you, I would probably be right.
I’m not here to tell you that I’m right and you’re wrong. It’s not to counter your talking points. It’s not to tell you that you’re watching the wrong news channel, or listen to the wrong podcast. I’m not here to tell you that memes are jokes not facts. I mean I’ll probably do those things later in the social media comments. But that’s not what I’m here to tell you today.
We don’t need a million deaths for you to stay at home. You only need one.
That parent or grand-parent wants to see you get that promotion you’ve been working for. He wants to see your kids go to college. Do it for them, do it for your friends and family. You don’t want to regret losing them to this stupid virus. You don’t want to lose that one person you looked up to you’re whole life.
So pop open a 12 pack of your favorite beers or wine cooler. Pull a chair outside your front door and have some drinks watching the movie called life. It’s what people did before they had cells phones.
Oh yeah, order some clippers or sheers and watch some videos on how to cut your own hair. You look like an animal.
Good point! Stay the heck home everyone. The sooner you buckle down, the sooner things can go back to normal! #stayhome #preventthespreadofcovid19 #goodread
Great read and great points. At the end our sacrifices are not nearly as big as the loss of a life. Even if it’s a single life. I choked up at the third paragraph. History has seen some extremely hard struggles and it would be so unfair if this stupid virus won. Thank you for the great message!