Stupid Memory: Floaty Magic Card Trick

When I was like 9, I saw someone do this at a magic shop on some pier. My breath was taken away by like. . . real magic. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I went into the store and watched the guy do it again and I was sold. I don’t remember how much it costed me, but I remember it was basically all the dollars I had in my pocket and I bought it. It might not have been a lot, it was a lot of money to me at the time.

I was completely smitten with the idea that I would learn how to do this. Held the box in my hands on the way home from the beach. I must have fell asleep on the way home because my next memory was the next day opening the box. I opened the box with excitement and found a F*CKING STRING with a tiny piece of wax.

I felt sick to my stomach, I put the string and wax back in the box and threw the box behind some large piece of furniture hoping I could hide the feelings of getting ripped off and becuase the trick was a lie. F*ck you Devin, I don’t even know if that was your name, but f*ck you none the less for ripping off 9 year old me. I disliked “magic” ever since.

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